Eating Well and Losing Weight
The amount of people that are diet and weight “illiterate” is staggering, even among highly educated individuals. This degree of ignorance and confusion is intentionally and carefully maintained by the media and commercial interests.
Books and libraries have been written on this subject. In my opinion most books on diet and how to eat are not accurate. Most books on diet are 80-90% accurate, however, what they are missing and not telling you would invalidate or turn upside down the very large 80-90% portion that is accurate. Usually there is no consistency or logical sense in diet books. Are there
good books on food and diet out there? Certainly, but they are drowned by the noise created by propaganda books.
Anyway the ideas exposed in the following few pages will be different. This chapter will give you a basic understanding of what and how to eat healthy. So let’s start:
As a general rule, I believe we should eat and drink approximately in the proportions our bodies are made of. There is a reason nature made us this way. Common sense says that since we are 70 percent water, we should drink about 70 percent of all our daily meals’ weight.We are about 18-20 percent fats, so we should eat 18 to 20 percent healthy fats during the day.We are about 10-15% percent proteins, and we should have about the same proportion to our whole intake; we should have less protein than fats, but proteins are very important! Carbs should make up very little of the diet, as there are only a few tablespoons of sugar in the whole body. They should be eaten only sporadically and rarely should we drink them.
It is not advisable to count calories or even worry too much about them. This does not mean we should ignore portion control. On the contrary, we should make sure we are eating food in small amounts, much smaller portions than we think. The fact is that human beings can live on a few bread crumbs, fruits and water for years.Eating is overrated. Most of the time is an addiction, not a necessity.
Calories Misconception
Think about calories as the energy released when we burn proteins, fats, or carbs. The issue is that we don’t burn them the same. We generally burn all carbs, but proteins and fats are more or less incorporated into the body structures.
The fact that we eliminate solid waste regularly is proof that many (most) “calories” are not completely burned. Counting calories is not the best way to go about losing weight, nor is it very accurate to what is really going on metabolically. “Calories”, can be a bit of a crutch to lean on to help you monitor portion control.
Eating is like many other things in life, a matter of discipline. Similar to finances, we can eat more and borrow from the future. Consider that there is only so much food you are allowed to eat in your lifetime; the sooner you eat all that up, the sooner you will die. Eating more daily is borrowing from your future. Therefore the less “food debt” or any debt you have, the better.
Eat three meals a day, and I do not recommend snacks. If you crave snacks, it means you are eating the wrong things at mealtimes, and it could suggest that you are taking in too many carbs in the form of solid food or drinks. Do not drink your “calories”.
Just as the body requires energy, it also requires rest. For this reason, I also advocate periodic fasting, times when you do not eat or drink or when you avoid a specific food type. You might decide to try a raw foods-only day, or you could undergo a partial fast or a complete fast for a day or longer. However you fast, it will be good for you. When the fasting period is over, you will feel lighter, more focused, present, and younger. If you feel worse, it may be either withdrawal from your addictive food, or it may be that you are very toxic and some toxins are being stirred up by the fasting process.
Some Healthy Eating Tips
- Ninety-five percent of your food should be plant based. People who eat a lot of raw vegetables and legumes, with an accent on the green, leafy ones statistically live longer.
- Meat should be consumed twice a week at the most. Eat meat only occasionally and in small quantities, always with vegetables and legumes. It is advisable that any meat you eat comes from free-range, organicfarms.Eat fish more often, but it should also be eaten in small quantities. Remember that smaller fish that fit on your plate will contain less mercury and toxins.
- Cow milk should be avoided, especially unfermented. If you are worried about calcium deficiency, know that you can get plenty of calcium in all plants; the fact that they grow tall is due to their calcium content. Calcium is their “skeleton” .
- Eggs are important, one of your best sources of nutrition. Do not dismiss the fact that an entire organism forms from the egg yolk; this means the incredible, edible egg carries all the ingredients necessary for life. Eat them frequently! Contrary to popular opinion, eggs do not raise cholesterol. Special interest groups seem to try to feed us these myths and false information for their own agendas, but countless medical studies have proven them false. If you want to receive the healthiest benefits of eggs, eat real, whole eggs and not just egg substitutes or egg products.
- Eat beans frequently, even daily.
- Bread should be avoided,particularly American or industrialized bread.Occasionally and very rarely, you can enjoy a bit of Italian bread made from special flourlike semolina; this bread will have thick, crunchy crust and many holes in the middle. Bread should only be a rare treat, and if you want to be healthy, it is best to go without it.
- Flour-based products are not healthy. Whole grain is a no-no, a marketing gimmick, as are products with gluten-free labels. Do not fall for it.
- Most people believe losing weight is a matter of diet and exercise, in a 50-50proportion, but this is also a misconception. Exercise is great for health, but it will not work for losing weight unless you carefully monitor and improve your diet as well. As far as losing weight is concerned exercise is 1% and diet is 99%. You can exercise for hours andwipe the benefits in a few bites.
- It is best to avoid sweets altogether: no sweets, no molasses, no sweeteners, no sweet meals, no desserts, and no sweetened drinks. As a rare treat,natural honey is acceptable, but even this should be eaten only on special occasions. Especially avoid ice cream, as it is one of the most addictive and unhealthiest of foods.
- Eat a few nuts every day, as they are very healthy. Almonds are particularly beneficial.
More Suggestions for Losing Weight and Getting Healthier.
Being overweight is not due to one simple problem; rather, it is a consequence of a multitude of aspects. The good news is that some of these issues can be remedied by the methods below:
Do not eat when you are emotionally upset or angry, and never eat when you are stressed or in a rush. Instead, play nice, soft music and pleasant conversation or no conversation at all.Thoroughly enjoy your food! In time, solve all and any psychological issues related to food, including obesity, past trauma, or a need to isolate or protect yourself or hide; food should not be a substitute for emotional relief or comfort.
The more life energy is in the food, the better. Therefore, eat only fresh, organic foods, as close to raw as possible. Cooking, heating, freezing, microwaving, and all processing destroys the nutritional value of food. For the sake of example, if you boil a potato and plant it, it will not grow and will only rot! Use only light preparations that can be eaten immediately.
Try not to eat by the clock, on any set schedule. Only eat when you are actually hungry. The average person should eat only three meals a day and avoid snacking between them. Do not eat more often than every four hours. Try to differentiate actual hunger from food cravings. You should skip meals when you are upset, but do not skip meals in an effort to lose weight. Also, after the lunch meal, for the rest of the day, avoid eating animal proteins.
It is best not to snack at all. As a rare exception, enjoy an apple or a similar fruit that does not taste too sweet.
Do not drink anything other than purified water. If you have a good quality water ionizer at home use that most of the time. Be warned that all sweet liquids, including diet products, will cause you to gain weight. Period,and end of the story. Occasionally, fresh, organic, home-squeezed juice can be enjoyed. Organic vegetable or fruit juices are sometimes acceptable, and lemon squeezed in water is beneficial.
Learn to manage stress, for stress hormones are known to cause weight gain and premature aging. Bless your food, be grateful and give thanks for it, and do not eat when you are stressed or upset.
Regular exercise is important and should be done as an integral part of weight management, especially since it will lower insulin resistance. Insulin is the fat storage hormone, and it is released by all sweets and starches. You should exercise at least fifteen minutes a day, to the point of perspiration. Picking up the mail or walking the dog is not considered exercise.
Food Mixing
Eat simply and do not mix many foods. In fact, avoid eating more than three different foods at a time. Eat-only one starch or protein at a time; for example, do not eat bread and potatoes. Cantaloupe and watermelon should be eaten alone or avoided entirely.
Do not drink milk regularly. Do not mix proteins with starches or sugars, as this creates gas and fermentation; do not mix proteins with fats, as fats slow the digestion of proteins; or proteins with fruits. Do not mix vegetables and fruits that grow above ground with those that grow underground. Do not mix vegetables with fruits, unless it is apples and rice. Do not mix nuts with fruit. Avoid eating breads/grains with cheese or meat; this includes macaroni and cheese. As often as we see it done, peas and carrots should not be eaten together.
Drink only room-temperature. Drink a minimum ofeight cups a day, including two cups when you wake up, then one thirty minutes before and after each meal. Refrain from drinking any liquids with your meals, including water. Occasionally it is great to loosen up this rule, or any other rule for that matter. Do not be strict and rigid in anything. This advice should be a guideline, not torture.
Top 5 Nutrition Mistakes in Hospitals and Homes
1.Allowing soda, juices, or any beverages other than clean water, especially for diabetics
All sodas and juice drinks are acidic, and most contain no natural ingredients and are generally toxic for the body. They increase insulin, depress mood, and are really a drag for anyone seeking to be healthy. They are especially dangerous for addicted individuals.
2. Allowing bread, pasta, grains, cereals, oatmeal, or grain products, especially for diabetics
They are all very high on the glycemic index, are toxic and addictive,and are made from genetically modified (GMO) grains. It is documented that people who eat these have more heart attacks, more cancer, and more depression. Overall, eaters of these things are more miserable and overweight as compared to ones that don’t.
3. Allowing artificial, “diet,”or “light” products
It is not surprising that there have been many complaints about these products, as they are all toxic and neurotoxic. The problems with them are endless; for a clue, research aspartame and its many horrible effects. These are sold with utter disregard for the health of human beings, and in spite of their labels, they ultimately lead to unhealthy weight gain.
4. Substituting eggs with egg whites or artificial egg products.
Eggs are the most complete of all foods, the very source of a living organism. Enclosed in that little shell is everything necessary to create life, lacking only one vitamin, with everything else being perfectly proportioned. On the other hand, egg substitutes offer no building blocks or healing properties. In spite of their lower calorie counts, they are a total waste of money and a detriment to overall health.
5. Allowing cow milk.
Many books have been written and products been made to counteract the rampant occurrence of dairy intolerance and allergies. The simple fact is that cow milk comes from a different species, and there are hormones, antibiotics, and chemicals in it as well. Thus, it is not generally fit for human nourishment.
A Civilized Society Sweetener Problem
We don’t realize how much sugar we are consuming in one day, every day. Most sweet drinks, juices and even some “healthy” drinks have anywhere between 5-13 teaspoons of sugar in each of their 8 oz. serving. Imagine yourself filling an 8 oz. glass with water, then adding 10-13 teaspoons of white sugar to it; then drink it? This is exactly what we are doing when we drink any kind of a sweet soft drink, juice or other sweet drink available on the market today. The worst is that it is not just drinks that are loaded with sugar or sugar substitutes. Most cereals and packaged foods have sugar (or some form of sugar) listed as the first or second ingredient (which means it is the ingredient in the highest or the second highest quantity). Sugar is used by food companies as a dehydrator or as a preservative. Besides that, sugar gives a great taste and is highly addictive.
The following words on a nutritional label may mean “sugar” and should probably be avoided: Glucose, Dextrose, Fructose, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Corn Sweetener, Corn Syrup, Dehydrated Cane Juice, Dextrin, Fruit Juice Concentrate, Lactose, Maltodextrin, Malt Syrup, Maltose, Maple Syrup, Raw Molasses, Raw sugar, Rice Syrup, Saccharin, Sucrose,Syrup, Erythritol, Xylose, and many others too.Honey or Stevia should only be used occasionally.
Fortunately in time, once you stop eating sugar, your addiction will eventually disappear. That is if you stop sugar not if you slow it down. Slowing down is like having less heroin instead of quitting. You will not overcome your addiction to carbs by just “slowing” down.
Sugar and starch are proven to contain morphine like addictive components. Individuals whoare “on” sugar and carbs crave it all the time. Meanwhile, people who are “off” sugar, don’t even miss it. Weaning yourself off the sugar and sugar containing products will cause a change in your weight. Stopping refined carbs all together will cause not a change, but a dramatic change in your weight and overall wellbeing.
Because of the addiction component, the first few days off carbs may be a bit of a “detox” time (just like a drug) but thesesymptoms quickly disappear.
Artificial sweeteners are definitely not good for us. Sorbitol, saccharin, aspartame,sucraloseand many other products, including “natural” products are actually worse for us than sugar itself. Every single one of these artificial sweeteners has been linked to cancer, tumors, and obesity.
- Don’t count calories. They are deceiving.
- Eat 70/20/10. Meaning water, good fats, proteins.
- Eat sugarless, meaning nothing sweet or starchy.
- Avoid sweeteners natural or artificial.
- Eat as close to raw food as much as you can.