This one below is a real card:

I brag about dr Pop to everybody I know! They always ask me if he’s good. Are you kidding me?
He is FANTASTIC! Do you know how long I was looking for a doctor like him?
S. G.

“I noticed a remarkable difference. My young people can’t keep up with me. I am a pastor. I work 60 hrs a week and I have more energy than a 30 year old!”
– Dave G.
“I have experienced remarkable benefits personally with energy and vitality. Dr Pop has produced incredible results for me with my daily energy and mental sharpness.”
– Andy C.
“We are moving all the time but feel calm and centered. We now accomplish more… We were sluggish but now we are improved and full of good energy. Our memory is better and sharper.”
– Anita F.
“ I am now never sluggish and my staff can’t keep up with me. I move all the time and I am very energetic ever since I have been to Dr. Pop. "
– David G.
“There are very few doctors in my life that I liked - one is Dr. Pop”
– James D.
“I get all my energy back, I feel 20 years younger”
Robert P
“I can’t believe the difference that I feel.”
Elizabeth A
“I felt horrible every morning and now I am fine. People are noticing the difference. I felt like doing dives.”
Valerie W
”I was dragging and now I feel better than I have in a long time.”
Elsie A
“Finally, I don’t feel dead! I am very, very pleased with Dr. Pop. This is the best I have felt energy wise in years! Needless to say I am very impressed!”
John R.
Dr. Pop, you saved my life, I have’t felt this good in the last 10 years. Thank You .
Within 2 weeks you made me feel like a new woman . Thank You so much Dr. Pop.
R. P.
It is such a comfort to finally find out someone who is listening!I have been to many doctors before and gotten nowhere.They work like robots.Finally a doctor I can talk to.”
It’s amazing what you’ve done.
I would not give you up for nothing even if I have to drive 3 hours to get here ( which I am ).
J. F. 81 y old
I just wanted you to know how grateful I was that you saw me even though you were sick.
You could have went home and cancel me. But since you are so caring for all of us , that’s why you are a good doctor and we all like you. Thank you for your time to help me .
Doctor Pop has helped me so much that I have recommended him to so many people.
I have many medical problems such as high blood pressure, diverticulitis and back problems.
My blood presure is down now and my diverticulis is under control.
My mother in law is diabetic, she started going to Dr. Pop she was on insulin and out of control. Now she has her diabetes under control with pills and none of those dreaded shots.
Most of my family sees Dr. Pop including my husband, my mother and son.There are 3-4 other families that see Dr. Pop because my recommendations.
D. M.
During therapy I discovered that my hair was requiring to be cut every 2-3 weeks when before I was getting a cut every 2-3 months, and also I have an increase in energy and generally feeling much better and healthier over all. To me it has been well worth the time and effort. The Dr. and his staff are just great.
T. L.
My husband, my mother and I moved to Spring Hill in 2003. My husband and mother began seeing Dr. Pop right after moving into the area because they both had pre-existing conditions, and were referred to Dr.Pop by a friend that has lived in the area for several years. I never had any health problems and thought that I didn’t have the time to bring myself to the doctor. In 2004 I turned 50 and for my birthday I thought that I would see Dr. Pop for a complete physical and to establish myself with a local doctor. No aches, pains or problems were evident but after the blood work was done another story evolved. For some unknown reason, my red blood count was low and there was no evident reason for me to be anemic. Dr. Pop tried all methods to raise the count including oral iron and B 12 shots finally resorting to a specialist. She attempted to give me intravenous iron and discovered that I constantly had a low-grade fever. A cat scan was done revealing that I had renal cell cancer in both of my kidneys. I had 1/2 of a kidney and the other totally removed.
I am now healthy and living with only 1/2 kidney without any kind of medicine or procedures ever having been done. I remember while in the hospital ( a teaching hospital ) doctors asking me how I ever found that I hade renal cell cancer since I never really hade any symptoms.
I told them the story of Dr. Pop and how he saw a problem and never let go until the mystery was solved. I believe that Dr.Pop is the reason that I am still here today. We caught the cancer before it spread throughout any other organs and after reserching the subject, found that it is usually found after death at the autopsy. I am so lucky and blessed to have found this special doctor here in Spring Hill.
D. S.
I came to Dr. Pop sometime in 1998. I was released from Oak Hill Hospital. They told me that there was nothing they could do for me any more. I was in wery bad condition. I started with Dr. Pop a few days after being released. The rest is history. I was really brought back to life all over again.
Over the years I went back to old habits and was in trouble all over again. I am now back with Dr. Pop for more treatments and believe it or not I am back to being myself again. Any one who asks me about chelation I tell them what it’s done for me. I really owe my life to Dr.Pop and his assistants. I’ll be 81 in a few months.
E. F.
How can I ever thank you for giving me back my life?! In just two weeks you were able to do what other doctors tried to do for three years. I literally felt the life draining from me and now my energy has been restored and I am able to resume living a greatly improved life.
I call you my ” miracle” doctor. Thank you Dr. Pop for being a compasionate, caring doctor
who really does listen to his patients.
R. P.
Thank you Dr. Pop for allowing your patients to be pro-active in selecting the type of treatment plans individually. As one of your early patients, I appreciate the choice to use “Natural Herbal” vs ” Medical Drug ” protocol where possible. Natural has proven to have good results without unfavorable side effects.( Ex: Red Yeast Rice, Lowered LDL )
R. M.
I would like for you to know how much I appreciate the guidance you have given me. As you know my weight was out of control. I had taken Synthroid for many years and continued to put on the pounds. You suggested that I start taking Armour thyroid and the weight started coming off. You also suggested that I take the Iodoril. I have a lot more energy, whereas before I felt exausted all the time. My arthritis was hurting me so bad, that I could barely walk.
You showed me an article by Dr. Wright. I started taking his treatment for pain and after the first
dose I was able to walk. I continue to take the treatments when the need arises.
This has been an answer to prayer.
When we went back to Maryland for a visit a few months ago, our friends could not believe the
improvements that I have made. They remember me as being unable to stand, or walk wery
much at all. Now I go for walks around our little community, can go shopping without having to
ride in one of those motorized carts, do house work and many things that I had not been able
to do for over ten years. Than you so much for all of your good advice.
M. P.
I am thankful from the bottom of my heart for the beautiful care I received.
I am so appreciative of Dr. Pop and the good, kind people in the office.
I call you an angel of mercy!
L. P.
I have no worries about anything, Dr. Pop and his staff are always on top of things”
K. W.
I no longer feel dragged out, helpless, old or defeated or waiting for death to claim me.
I now feel energized enough to cope with my medical conditions.
Thank you for returning quality of life to me that has eluded me for many years
R. F.
He is the best doctor I ever had. Without Dr. Pop I would not be alive today. He fought for me and did not give up. I am alive today because of him. I would not trade him for the world.
L. B.
If you are with Dr. Pop, you are with the best! I reaaly like the way he handles everyone’s problems. I have my friends going there too.
I feel fantastic!
I found a great doctor, doctor Pop!
No cramps, no pain, no nothing.
I feel better than 20 years ago.
I am not tired , and I sleep better.
Before I slept only 2 hours a night, now I sleep 6 hours or more and feel refreshed.
Everywhere I go I tell people about Dr. Pop.
He is not a pill pusher.
E. Y.
They told me there was nothing they could do for me any more.
I started with Dr. Pop a few days after being released from hospital.
The rest is history.
I was really brought back to life all over again.
I’ll be 81 in a few months.
E. F.
I felt tired, draggy, kind of depressed and yucky!
Due to Dr. Pop, now I am 6 weeks later and I feel lighter, like a weight lifted of me.
It’s hard to explain but I feel so much better.
I am very grateful!
L. P.
As long as he will be by my side now I know I will be fine!
I can’t ask for a better doctor”
Thank you soooo much!!
E. Y.
I told them the story of Dr. Pop and how he saw a problem and never let go until the mystery was solved. I believe that Dr. Pop is the reason that I am still here today. We caught the cancer before it spread throughout any other organs and after researching the subject, found that it is usually found after death at the autopsy. I am so lucky and blessed to have found this special doctor here in Spring Hill.
D. S.
I wanted to thank you for what you did for my father!
Yes, I understand that this was your job, but you did more than that for my Dad.
He appreciated and so did I the way you treated him in your office.
Service is important, but I have always felt that you made him feel so very special and he needed that at this point in his life.
Thank you again for being so sincere and caring!
J. S.
I love Dr. Pop because he takes time with me. Everybody else just pushed me out the door.
I am driving almost 2 hours from Ocala to come to dr Pop.
C. W.
Dr. Pop is my hero!
My blood pressure was very high for 15 years no matter what medication I was on.
After 3 months with Dr. Pop my blood pressure is perfect and I feel great.
Thank you for what other doctors could not do!
E. L.
Dr. Pop is so wonderful and – I always say this –
but now even my friend from up North that came to visit thinks he is “dynamite”.
She will be coming to live here in town just because of Dr. Pop”
G. R.
I came to Dr. Pop sometime in 1998.
I was released from Oak Hill Hospital.
They told me that there was nothing they could do for me any more.
I was in very bad condition.
I started with Dr. Pop a few days after being released.
I was sent home to die by the cardiologist,
I could not walk to the mailbox and was in and out the emergency room 2-3 times a week.
I started with Dr. Pop based on his recommendations and the rest is history.
I was really brought back to life all over again.
E. F.
I feel really, really great now!
I am really, really happy with my outcome!
I am a living testimony. It feels so good to feel so good!
Doctors’ job is to know and explain what to do and my job is to do it!
I worked as a team with Dr. Pop and the results are spectacular!
N. C.
Every doctor said to me, oh, you are tired, it’s your age, your “golden” age, and you have to live with it .
I have been feeling bad for years…
It is God’s honest truth that I feel SO MUCH better, since coming to Dr Pop.
You can talk to him, he listens, and now I am being helped by him.
Every other doctor said, your labs are normal, see you in 3 months, but it’s your age, there is nothing I can do.
Not Dr. Pop! He is the exception to the rule.
He is treating me the way I wanted for years! Thank you Dr Pop!
E. Y.
I brag about dr Pop to everybody I know!
They always ask me if he’s good.
Are you kidding me?
Do you know how long I was looking for a doctor like him?
S. G.
Let me tell everyone, so they know:
I am : WOW! I am awake now!
I was in a stupor, now I am a ball of Energy!
Thanks to Dr. Pop!
N. J.
I am a patient of Dr. Pop.
I used to get tired mid day for 30 years.
Now I go all day with no fatigue.
B. S.
Dr. Pop has done miracles for me!
The other doctor I had before was killing me slowly.
I am a different person now!
M. C.
I would not be alive today if not for Dr. Pop.
He took a lot of interest in me and I went along with it.
My memory slide is stopped and I am doing well for many years now.”
R. R.
I can’t thank him enough!
I was feeling crappy and was on 235 units of insulin a day!
I am now down to nothing—on NO insulin in 4 weeks, my sugar is great and I feel awesome.
Isn’t it Miraculous?
I am sooo grateful!
M. C.
I had so many doctors over the years, but Dr. Pop is the best!
I feel so much better, my energy is great.
My wife is also a patient of Dr. Pop.
Recently he saved her again from another hospital stay.
I strongly recommend Dr. Pop.
J. C.
I am coming two or three times a year from…..North Carolina to see Dr. Pop.
I was short of breath, weak and tired.
He treats me for a week and I am a different person.
When I go back, I can breathe, I can do my job and feel good for a few months
Dr. Pop, is doing an awesome job for me this is why I am coming from so far. “
P. B.
Dr. Pop is great. Thank God for Dr. Pop.
I had chronic fatigue for over 10 years.
Nobody ever found my cause they all said it was stress or that I am tired, but something was at cause….
Dr. Pop found it and now I am a different person.
P. B.
I am so grateful to Dr. Pop!
I trust him more than I trusted any doctor; and I had a long life…
He drilled down what I had to do and went deeper into explanations than any other doctor.
I can’t thank him enough. I hug him every time I see him!
J. T.
I am here today because of Dr. Pop!
He had treatments on me that did me so much good.
It really, really made a big difference. it was amazing.
I am so thankful I followed up with Dr. Pop!
I tell everybody : if you don’t feel well, you can’t enjoy life at all!
C. S.
I told my husband, I don’t care if we move to China, I need to come back to see dr Pop.
I had a lot of shingles pain for a year and all doctors said I had to live with it .
The pain was unbearable, worse than a childbirth.
Now I am 80% better in one week, and the burning pain is gone.
It’s amazing, because I don’t remember what it’s like NOT to be in pain.
I don’t remember being this pain free from this shingles for a whole year.
Thanks to Dr. Pop
E. Y.
There are very few doctors like Dr. Pop!
Most doctors don’t want to help patients achieve optimal health, they just want to give you pills.
Dr. Pop cares about his patients – he says : No, we will get to the bottom of this problem, we will find what is causing it, will not just give you pills.
Thank you for caring about me! I feel so much better as a result.
N. C.
Power Source One Testimonials
“I noticed a remarkable difference. My young people can’t keep up with me. I am a pastor. I work 60 hrs a week and I have more energy than a 30 year old!”
– Dave G.
“I have experienced remarkable benefits personally with energy and vitality, and I have taken supplements of all kinds for nearly 20 years. Yours have produced incredible results for me with my exercise, daily energy and mental sharpness.”
– Andy C.
“We are moving all the time but feel calm and centered. We now accomplish more… We were sluggish but now we are improved and full of good energy. Our memory is better and sharper.”
– Anita F.
“Since I take the supplement I never had a problem. I am never sluggish and my staff can’t keep up with me. I move all the time and I am very energetic ever since. Most of my elders who advise me tell me to slow down!”
– David G.
“There are very few products in my life that I liked like Power Source One!”
– James D.
“My wife and I have literally Never felt better, and we have used a lot of different supplements and “super food” products from all of the MLMs and many natural food distributors. These are truly unique.”
– Andrew C
“I get all my energy from this, I feel 20 years younger”
Robert P
“I can’t believe the difference that I feel.”
Elizabeth A
“They are excellent. They really make a difference I sleep better and have better energy throughout the day.”
Robert P
“I felt horrible every morning and now I am fine. People are noticing how much a difference those vitamins are making. I felt like doing dives.”
Valerie W
”I was dragging and now I feel better than I have in a long time.”
Elsie A
“I ran out of supplements and I could tell the difference. Those are really good”
Sharon G
“I love them. I noticed a difference in 3 days, I don’t know how to explain it, I just feel better, more energetic.”
Bernice S
“I like it a lot! When I run out I can really tell… I get wound down with no energy when not taking it. It is a sustainer for my life!”
Jane S
“There is very few products in my life that I liked like yours”
James D.
“I feel great taking these vitamins. I am a person who has difficulty waking up and getting motivated, and since I started these, I am actually getting out of bed easier in the morning and not feeling like I need that afternoon nap.”
- Gordon
“These vitamins are a dream come through… I have so much energy that comes out of nowhere. I was very surprised”
Yolanda M
“Finally, I don’t feel dead! I am very, very pleased with Power source One. This is the best I have felt energy wise in years! Needless to say I am very impressed!”
John R.